The Team

Francesco Bola
Francesco Bola
Art Historian, Tour leader and Tour Guide
museums expert, Groups and Website Manager

Born and grown up in Lunigiana, I’ve always be passionate for art, history (and tales), sport and outdoor life.
I’ve chosen to turn these passions into my job, to be always in contact with people, nature and beauty, exploring and discovering new places and tales.

Eleonora Bazzali
Eleonora Bazzali
Tour leader and guide

Graduated in European and Euro-American languages and literature.
I’ve chosen to be a tour guide because I love Lunigiana, the territory where I was born and I’ve always lived, that is rich in art and history, two topics that fascinate me a lot. Also, because this job allows me to be always in contact with new people and I think that every person you meet enriches you as a person. Working as tour guide is for me a real passion.

Pierangelo Caponi
Pierangelo Caponi
Environmental Guide Excursionist and environmental engineer
Outdoor activities manager

Since I was a child, I love nature and mountain and I explore them in each season, in particular by bike. This passion became my main activity both as environmental engineer and as Nature Guide and co-worker of National Parks Nature Projects.
From Autumn 2017 I am, with pleasure, the President of Sigeric.

Cinzia Nicolini
Cinzia Nicolini
Art Historian, Tour leader and Tour Guide

Born in Fosdinovo and grown up in Bagnone, Lunigiana is my home. I love travelling and I try to transform my passion into a job, travelling and showing the beauties of my land.

Mattia Olivieri
Mattia Olivieri
Nature and Hiking Guide

I was born and grown in Lunigiana, I am a lover of contemporary history and since I was a child, I have attended the Lunigian woods in every season. After the Master Degree in International Studies in Pisa, I decided to live in Lunigiana, my homeland.

Franco Ressa
Franco Ressa
Nature Guide, Apuan Alps and Cinque Terre National Park Guide
Outdoor, Environment education and School trips Manager

Born as a city person, grown up emotionally among reef and sea, I’ve been living for the last 30 years in the countryside, surrounded by hills and mountains, woods, rivers and the sea, mingling my job with my passions. I’ve always loved sports such as kayak, climbing, ski and mountain bike, not for their competitive side but as a possibility to experience nature in different ways. That’s why I’ve chosen to live immersed in natural environments, working the land and in contact with the sounds of the woods and fields. Music is another great passion of mine, in fact I play the guitar and sing my own songs. Working as a guide in a territory where many of my dreams have come true, is for me an immense gift.

Matilde Ferrari
Matilde Ferrari
Hiking Guide

I was born in Lunigiana, I lived for a few time in the town and then I came back: I couldn’t live far from mountains, forests, streams of this marvellous wild land. I always find my refuge in Nature. The work, as a hiking guide, allows me to discover the beauties of the world and pass on, above all to children, ancient traditions and stories.

Alessia Curadini
Alessia Curadini
Art Historian and Tour Guide

Born and grown in Mulazzo, I am moved every day by the beauty of the Apennines and fascinated by the marvellous history of Lunigiana. My job allows me to pass these emotions on to all the people I meet, to introduce kids and joungsters to beauty and to the immortality of art, to teach them to love and respect their Land.

Giulia Pretari
Giulia Pretari
Expert in tourism technology and digital tools.

A graduate in Tourism Sciences, I have always dreamed of working in this sector to enhance and promote the Lunigiana, an area where I was born and grew up and where I see more and more opportunities for development.

Nicolas Piretti
Nicolas Piretti
Hiking guide

Born and raised in Sarzana, as soon as I was 18 I moved to Lunigiana to fully experience Nature in all its forms: from beekeeping to climbing, from farming to trekking, I did not miss out on bike rides and horseback riding.
Becoming an environmental guide has allowed me not only to turn my greatest passion into my main profession, but also to be able to share it with other people who, like me, love mountains, trails, and all that life in contact with Nature can offer.

Riccardo Begnis
Riccardo Begnis
Hiking guide, Tour Leader, Engineer

Originally from Bergamo with the mindset of being an engineer, many steps as a pilgrim have taken me along the Via Francigena and led me to Lunigiana, a wonderful area, where I decided to live and work as an environmental hiking guide. For several years I have been using my technical and managerial background in tourism to organize and promote group experiences as well as trips both in Italy and abroad. If curiosity is my driving force, I believe that travel is the most powerful means for sharing and learning.

I nostri servizi

  • Tour guidati e attività outdoor per singoli e piccoli gruppi su richiesta

  • escursioni e visite guidate programmate in piccoli gruppi

  • viaggi di istruzione e attività didattiche per scuole di tutti i gradi

  • servizi turistici e di comunicazione per aziende e imprese del settore turistico – culturale

  • consulenza turistica per Enti, gestione punti informazione, castelli e musei

Ma chi è Sigeric?

Sigeric di Canterbury è stato un monaco e arcivescovo britannico vissuto nella seconda metà del X secolo. Questo lontano personaggio è oggi celebre in tutta Europa grazie al ritrovamento di un manoscritto, databile attorno al 990 d.C. e conservato alla British Library di Londra, che rappresenta il primo e più antico itinerario su quella che oggi è la Via Francigena. Il diario di viaggio di Sigeric descrive le 79 tappe del lungo tragitto di ritorno dell’arcivescovo da Roma, dove si era recato per ricevere il pallium dal Papa, fino a Canterbury, attraverso l’Italia, la Svizzera, la Francia e l’Inghilterra.

Abbiamo scelto di ispirarci a Sigeric, antico pellegrino e viaggiatore, per costruire la nostra avventura nel turismo, per guardare alle antiche radici del nostro viaggiare, per evocare l’identità del nostro territorio come terra di passaggio, per ricordarci di guardare lontano e allargare i nostri orizzonti…